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Thomas Delaney

Thomas Delaney

Young enough to engage with the youth whilst mature and authentic enough to resonate with all ages, Thomas’s heartfelt story and valuable life lessons will grip the attention of any audience from start to finish

Thomas Delaney is a dynamic and authentic speaker whose life experiences have equipped him with a profound understanding of drug use and its complexities.He offers a compelling narrative that is both relatable and eye-opening, making it impossible for any audience to look away.

Thomas has experienced the highs and lows of drug use firsthand, and his story is one of resilience and self-discovery.His openness and brutal honesty in sharing his personal history reveal not just the harrowing experiences of his past but also shed light on why individuals turn to substances as a coping mechanism for unbearable pain.

In addition to his journey, Thomas Delaney has made a significant impact on a global scale by collaborating with renowned organisations such as LADbible, BBC, Vice, and many national and international media outlets such as The Epoch Times.His work has reached a staggering audience in the tens of millions, spreading awareness and fostering discussions on crucial topics.

In his talks, Thomas challenges conventional views of drug use as an illness or a moral failing. Instead, he places it in the context of our social, political, and interpersonal lives. He highlights how, for many, drug use is a rational response to intolerable circumstances.Notably, he emphasises that recovery is not about striving for an idealised independence but rather about fostering healthy and life-affirming dependencies on others.

Thomas Delaney's speeches are powerful, emotional, and highly relevant in today's world. He is an inspiring speaker who offers a roadmap from drug dependency to human connection and healing, reminding us that recovery is not only possible but also a journey of embracing the support and care of others.

Testimonials from Teachers

“Thomas is both eloquent and honest in his very engaging and individual presentation style. In addition, his wide array of key messages on the pitfalls that lie within drug and alcohol abuse were sophisticated and illuminating to this attentive audience. The students found his input very educational and the question and answer session that followed offered additional layers of understanding to a topic that is both ever evolving and complex in nature. Based on this recent input from Thomas to our undergraduate students I would highly endorse him as a key communicator and an individual who carries an inspirational and optimistic message into an arena that is often fatalistic and bleak. He is a bright shining light and his words will last long in the memories of our student social workers.”

– Brian Coyle, Practice Learning Co-ordinator, Caledonian University​

"What really affected us was Thomas's photos prior to his Recovery - harrowing. Thomas is a very eloquent speaker and the visuals of his state pre-rehabilitation are so strong. He's young enough to engage with our youth who are at risk themselves, but also mature enough to engage with all ages - a great combination."

– Gill Last, Training Manager, The Ridge SCIO​

"It was an absolute pleasure to have Thomas join our class at Barnsley college. He explained his story with such emotion it was moving to hear of his trauma and drug abuse and how that left him both physically and mentally ill. Thomas offered the learners chance to ask some questions; this was a really valuable part of the session as it became more real and personal. My learners asked some very personal questions and Thomas always managed to answer fully and truthfully, this then encouraged the learners to trust him and feel confident to ask further questions. He sent such a powerful message during the session around the dangers of drug use, so much so this encouraged two of my learners to come forward and discuss their health which has led to us putting effective support in place and it was all thanks to Thomas."

– Emma Harvey, Tutorial Team Leader for Childcare and Education Professions, Barnsley College​

"Thomas was brilliant!!"

– Gregg Joesbury, Student Enrichment Lead, Walsall College

Speaker File


South Yorkshire


  • Lifestyle
  • Well-being
  • Drugs/Alcohol

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