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Ally Mitchell

Ally Mitchell

Deep sea diver turned environmental entrepreneur

Ally Mitchell is the founder of Ocean Plastic Pots who manufacture sustainable plant pots in Scotland from 100% recycled rope and fishing net.

A former Deepsea Saturation Diver, Ally has dived all over the world and has experienced first hand the impact plastic waste is having on our oceans. He founded his business after salvaging a ship filled with waste plastic off the west coast of Scotland during lockdown.

Starting in his shed he has gone on to supply the UK high street and has won numerous awards including Sustainable Product of the Year at The RHS Chelsea Flower Show, and a Points of Light award for sustainability and innovation by the UK Prime Minister.

His work in recycling innovation was recognised by the V&A and included in the Plastic remaking our World Exhibition at Scotlands Design Museum. To date he has recycled over 25 tonnes of rope and fishing net, 4 tonnes from Scottish beaches, all of which was recycled and manufactured in the UK.

Find out how the waste rope and net is recycled into pellets before being moulded into the pots and about the resulting circular economy. The importance of recycling and the circular economy and the threat it poses to the environment.

Testimonials from Teachers

"By way of introduction, my name is Lisa Torrance and I am Circular Glasgow Lead for Glasgow Chamber of Commerce. I have over 20 years of international experience producing major events for the likes of The Commonwealth Games, Edinburgh Festivals and Sydney Opera House as well as a wide range of community engagement initiatives and legacy projects with schools and the third sector both in Scotland and Sydney. I have been fortunate enough to work with many incredible people throughout my career, so I know talent when I encounter it.

Ally Mitchell is like an alchemist whose core strengths lie in being authentic and having the capacity to connect, collaborate, persuade and illuminate. A compulsive dot-joiner, he loves nothing more than connecting people and ideas and making things happen.

Ally speaks very passionately and accessibly about his journey since beginning Ocean Plant Pots. This is why I refer to him as an alchemist; he is able to 'draw people in' to his story and enthuse them about what they can do to help reduce waste on beaches and think creatively about circular economy business initiatives.

Since we met 18 months ago I have been hugely impressed by Ally's drive, creativity, tenacity and modesty. All of these qualities shine through when he shares his story and answers questions from audiences with genuine enthusiasm and insight.

I would honestly be comfortable introducing Ally to anyone - from business leaders to school children as he is someone with universal appeal and a genuinely excellent drive to make good things happen for our planet.

As a further endorsement, he will be coming to my son's primary school in Glasgow before the summer break as they are studying circular economy, something I wouldn't be making happen if I didn't see the value in it!"

– Lisa Torrence, Circular Glasgow Lead, Glasgow Chamber of Commerce

"Ally has worked with us twice – once in relation to our work around COP26 and again in relation to a topic undertaken by our Junior Four children on Sustainability.

On both occasions, Ally was extremely reliable and communicated efficiently in the buildup to his visits.On the day, he held the interest of the children really well, bringing along items of interest as well as having a PowerPoint presentation ready to make sure the talk was well structured.

All of the staff who have seen Ally present have commented on how much they have enjoyed his talks and on the engagement of the children, and on the importance of the subject on which he talks.

I would highly recommend Ally as a school speaker and look forward to having him back into our school ourselves!"

– Maggie Pollock, Deputy Head Teacher, The High School of Glasgow

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  • Technology
  • Enterprise
  • Creative
  • Science
  • New Speakers
  • Adventure
  • Climate Change

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